FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How should I format my upload?
While the uploader will accept multiple files at once, please create a .zip archive if you are sending multiple files. A .zip archive combines all of your files into a single file, making it smaller and easier to upload.
Learn how to create a .zip archive.
Note: the uploader does *not* accept folders, only files. If you have a folder or folders with multiple items, please create a .zip archive. A .zip archive *can* include a mix of image and document files.
What file formats do you accept for photos?
The allowed file types are: .jpg, .png, .pdf, .webp, .heic, .avif, .tif, CAMERA RAW. We also accept the following document formats: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .json, .csv.
What size should my photos be?
IMPORTANT: please send original, un-cropped image files at full resolution. This ensures that they will be the best quality when printed in the TL100 Yearbook. We will crop and resize.
Photos should be at least 1200px wide although this is not always possible. If you are scanning photos, please use the highest dpi available with your scanner (300dpi or higher is good).
What is the maximum upload size?
The maximum size is 1024MB (1 GB). If your .zip is larger than this, please split into multiple .zip files.
How many photos should I send?
If you have many similar photos of the same event/subject/people, please take the time to select the “best” one. We realize this may be subjective but curating your own photos will save us lots of time when trying to select images to include in the yearbook vs having to look through multiple similar photos.
Ultimately, send your best photos. If you have a lot of variety of different subjects, years, scenes, events, by all means upload but just go through them with a critical eye before uploading.
Will my photos be included in the yearbook?
While we will make every effort to include as many photos in the yearbook as we can, we cannot guarantee that all uploads will be included. Space is limited and we must select the photos that we think best represent Tower Lakes and its history.
If you want to guarantee that your family is represented, please consider purchasing an ad! This helps support the TL100 Yearbook project and will memorialize your family for generations to come.
How should I use the Submission Categories?
The Submission Categories are an optional way to indicate to us the general subject(s) of your photos. You can select more than one category with your upload and if anything doesn’t fit into one of the categories select the ‘Other’ category. These categories are for the TL100 Yearbook staff to keep things organized so don’t worry about them too much — just use your best judgement.
How can I provide more information about the photos I am submitting like dates and names?
More information about each photo is not only welcome but encouraged! One easy way to include information is to customize the file name so instead of `IMG_2034.jpg` change the title to `Aerial View of Tower Lake_1968.jpg`.
If you want to provide even more details, include a spreadsheet or document with your submission and include that in the .zip archive that lists the file name, photo date, and any additional notes in the same column. You can add as much or little detail as you want. If you want to add a caption, or supply the names of the people in your photos, include that as well.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to include the file name exactly as it is on the photo so we can match the information provided in your document with the correct image. Note: photos in the yearbook will not have captions but we may include caption information in the text on the page.
If we have any questions about your submission and info, we will reach out to you directly.
Still have questions?
If you have any other questions or need help submitting, please email us at yearbook@towerlakes100.org and we will be happy to help you. Thank you for your support of the TL100 Yearbook project!